INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions



SAI PMF Repeat Assessment Self-Learning Course News Campaign – 1st Wave: What is SAI PMF?

The Supreme Audit Institutions Performance Measurement Framework (SAI PMF) is an INTOSAI tool that provides Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) with a framework for voluntary assessments of their performance against the INTOSAI Framework of Professional Pronouncements (IFPP) and other established international good practices for external public auditing.


IDI's 2022 - A Year in Review

Read IDI's retrospective of 2022, detailing our many rendezvous and collaborations in 2022 - and take a peek at what's to come in 2023.

EFA logo

Applications for Equal Futures Audit Changemakers are now open!!

The Applications for Equal Futures Audit Changemakers are now open!!

EFA Changemakers (2023-24) is an initiative to facilitate the transformation of SAI auditors into change agents for bringing equal futures to the SAI audit world through EFA strategies and EFA audits in their SAI.  

This imitative will be offered in English for up to 15 SAIs and Spanish for up to 10 SAIs. Each SAI is requested to nominate two persons from different leadership levels in the SAI for EFA Changemakers 2023-2024. While one will act as EFA Changemaker (Strategy), the other will act as EFA Changemaker (Audit). We encourage SAIs to maintain gender balance in their nominations.

Besides creating a pool of EFA Changemakers, this initiative is expected to result in EFA strategies, and EFA audits at the participating SAI level. Those candidates who successfully complete their education, strategy and audits will graduate as IDI’s EFA Changemakers and become a part of an alumni network.

To learn more about EFA Changemakers initiative, come and join us in the following EFA Open Houses:  

Open House 1 - 31st January at 8 am Oslo time: (ENGLISH)

Open House 2 - 1st February at 4 pm Oslo time: (ENGLISH)

 Webinario – 31 de enero a las 4:00 PM Oslo time: (SPANISH)


We would be happy to answer any questions that you may have.

Visit our EFA Changemakers website or send us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We hope you will join us on this transformation journey of SAI audits to contribute to equality and inclusiveness for the benefit of all.

LOTA Pioneers logo

Applications for LOTA Pioneers 2023-2024 are open now!

The applications for LOTA Pioneers 2023-2024 are now open!

LOTA Pioneers is an initiative that aims to facilitate the transformation of a pool of SAI auditors into change agents who bring technology to SAI’s audit world by scanning their internal and external audit environments to strategize for leveraging on technology in audits and auditing the use of technology by governments.

To begin with this initiative will be offered in English for up to 25 SAIs. Each SAI is requested to nominate two persons from different leadership levels in the SAI. While one will act as LOTA Pioneer (Strategy), the other will act as LOTA Pioneer (Audit).

Besides creating a pool of LOTA Pioneers, this initiative is expected to result in LOTA scans, LOTA strategies and LOTA audits at the participating SAI level.

Those candidates who successfully complete their education, LOTA scan / strategy and audit will graduate as IDI’s LOTA Pioneers and become a part of an alumni network.

Please find more information in the LOTA Pioneers web page:

To apply for LOTA Pioneers please visit:

If you have any questions or doubts about LOTA Pioneer please contact IDI LOTA team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We hope you will join us on this journey of SAI audits digital transformation for the benefit of all!


IDI Conducts a SAI PMF e-Learning Basic Training Course for SAIs in CAROSAI

The SAI PMF Team is conducting a SAI PMF eLearning basic training course for SAIs in the CAROSAI region.

SAIs from ARABOSAI, ASOSAI, CAROSAI and PASAI met in Tunis. The head of Courts of Account of Tunisia, Mr. Nejib Gtari greeted the participants on the first day

SDG 3.d draft audit report review meeting held in Tunisia, 15 - 17 November 2022

After working together online for two years, 19 SAIs and 16 mentors met in person to share their draft audit reports. 

OAG Somalia Forensic Audits Workshop August 2022

OAG Somalia enjoys peer support on forensic audit and information system audit workshop

Workshops enable SAI Somalia auditors to achieve timely, relevant, and high-quality audit reports in line with international standards.

RISK workshops on IDI's CRISP Initiative

Smooth take-off with Risk!?

IDI’s CRISP Team successfully finalises the approach to implement the Risk Management Process for SAIs

IDI's Operational Plan 2023 Cover Page

Board approves IDI’s 2023 Operational Plan and Budget allowing IDI to go full speed ahead next year

In a first face to face meeting since the pandemic, IDI’s Board approved the IDI Operational Plan and Budget for 2023. The meeting took place on the margins of the XXIV International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) on 10 November 2022.


Eight SAIS from ASOSAI region commit to ‘Facilitating Audit Impact’ at the IDI-ASOSAI workshop for SAI leaders and stakeholders

Dasho Tashi: It’s time to act before someone questions the difference created by SAIs in the lives of the citizens and wellbeing of the nation."