INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

A new Paris declaration is here – Principles for Managing peer-support projects successfully

A new Paris declaration is here – Principles for Managing peer-support projects successfully

How can capacity development projects supporting Supreme Audit Institutions be managed better, ensuring steady progress, a joyful collaboration and sustainable results?

Ambitious peer-support projects are ongoing for the SAIs of Belize, Benin, Dominica, DRC, Eritrea, Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan, Tajikistan, The Gambia, Togo and Zimbabwe. In all these countries, there are peer-SAIs engaged who are providing technical support. The projects aim for significant institutional strengthening of the SAI and delivery of audits of national value. This means the projects must deal with quite complex processes and many stakeholders.  

In mid-November 2023, representatives of both beneficiary and provider SAIs met in Paris to discuss how these projects can be well managed. The actual project management differs in a number of ways between the country projects, such as the role that partners carry out, the use of digital tools and how coordination with external partners is done. These differences created a unique opportunity for comparison and learning. 

Inspired by the 2005 Paris declaration of aid effectiveness, the partners identified key principles and practical approaches for managing peer-support projects. This is captured in a 3-page “new Paris declaration” titled “Managing peer-support projects succcesfully”.  

The partners hope the text can be widely used to benefit similar projects and ensure that lessons learned arising from the PAP-APP and GSAI country projects are well-utilised globally.  

The event in Paris was conducted in partnership with the Cour des Comptes of France and the INTOSAI CBC work stream of Peer-to-Peer support. The event was possible due to funding by the European Union, USAID, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France and SAI Qatar. These are funding partners of the PAP-APP and GSAI programmes. 


Download the English PDF of “Managing peer-support projects successfully”  

Download the French PDF of “Managing peer-support projects successfully

Download the Russian PDF of "Managing peer-support projects successfully."

Download the Spanish PDF of "Managing peer-support projects successfully."

Watch the video from the event

For more information about GSAI and PAP-APP, contact programme manager This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)