About IDI
Our Cross-Cutting Priorities
Our Results
Meet the IDI Board
IDI's Board is composed of ten members from different supreme audit institutions. Get to know them better in our "Meet the Board" series.
For SAIs to remain relevant, auditors must have the necessary knowledge and tools to engage with cutting-edge technology.
Why does LOTA matter?
We live in a constantly changing world and Supreme Audit Institutions need to adapt to changes if they want to stay relevant. Technological advancement has been changing the way we live and with the current crisis, this process will only be accelerated. Even radical digitalization sceptics started to invest in technology as it is crucial for survival. With technological advancements organizations and people have to deal with enormous volumes of data and process this data faster than ever before.
Governments are investing in technology and introducing new systems. On the one side, it allows governments to optimize their functions and provide better services for their citizens, on the other side it demands that SAIs get new skills and knowledge in order to cope with the new audit subjects.
What vision is LOTA working towards?
For SAIs it is important to understand the technological change around them, to assess the implications of this change for their working, to leverage on technological advancement in SAI audits and to be able to audit technologies employed by the government.
SAIs stay relevant by a) leveraging on and b) auditing technological advancements |
In the LOTA initiative we will work towards the vision of seeing
Embedded within this vision is our vision of seeing SAIs mainstream gender and inclusiveness considerations in their use of technology and SAIs contributing to mainstreaming of gender and inclusiveness considerations through their audits.
How does LOTA deliver value?
IDI uses four delivery mechanisms to deliver value, namely Enable, Explore, Inspire, and Connect. We work in an interconnected way across the four mechanism to achieve LOTA vision. As in the LOTA vision, gender and inclusiveness considerations will be mainstreamed through all four delivery mechanisms.
This is the delivery mechanism through which we provide direct support to SAIs. The support will consist of the following key elements:
To support SAIs in the LOTA Strategy for Audit and in LOTA Audits IDI provides an integrated learning and support throughout these two key elements of Enable delivery mechanism. IDI has developed technology curriculum for the financial, performance and compliance auditors to ensure that they are familiar with the technology concepts, know what is possible and effectively communicate with other technical staff within SAI.
LOTA Explore uses results of the IDI’s own scans of current and emerging technological trends that affect SAI audits to pick and prioritize issues to experiment with and innovate on. We work together with the community and use diverse mechanism like hackathons, sandboxes, pilots etc. for experimentation and development of fit for purpose innovative solutions. The work done in this area feeds into the work done in LOTA Enable, where we support SAIs in LOTA Strategy definition for the audit solution and in adapting solutions to their specific context.
As the name suggests, under this strategic delivery mechanism we inspire SAIs and SAI auditors with latest developments and inspire key stakeholders to work with SAIs. The key delivery mechanisms in this segment are the LOTA Talks series. These are annually organized talks by experts and visionaries in the field from both public and private sector. We also team up with other stakeholders to organize online and in person advocacy and awareness raising events. The themes and topics are decided based on intelligence received from LOTA scans. You may learn more about LOTA Talks - HERE.
To foster a community of technology experts – IDI plans to launch LOTA Connect, a platform to bring together technology-enabled auditors from SAIs and other stakeholders to share ideas, knowledge, experience, expertise and come together to co-create. The platform will be also integrated with LOTA Pioneers and will serve as a communication platform for Pioneers members and alumni.
If you have any questions please contact IDI LOTA team at [email protected]
This time we will talk about Cybersecurity.
The interpretation will be available in Arabic, French, English and Spanish.
🕒 22nd Novembe...
In response to this rapidly changing environment and technology development, IDI has developed a LOTA Scan Tool to help SAIs in making better use of tec...
The applications for LOTA Pioneers 2023-2024 are now open!
LOTA Pioneers is an initiative that aims to facilitate the transformation of a pool of SAI auditors into change agents who bring tec...