INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Estonia continues support for IDI’s SAI Young Leaders Initiative (SYL)

Estonia continues support for IDI’s SAI Young Leaders Initiative (SYL)

It is the second funding from NAO for this successful IDI initiative.

Nurturing Young Leaders
SAI Leadership is widely recognised as an effective moving force, which can positively transform a Supreme Audit Institution. Einar Gørrissen, Director General of IDI knows from first-hand experience that “Supporting SAIs in sustainably enhancing capacities and performance is impossible without SAI leadership driving positive change. In light of this, the SAI Young Leaders Initiative aims to nurture young leaders, to enable their own growth and contribute to positive change of their SAIs.”

25 candidates were selected for the current round of SYL based on pre-determined criteria. As part of the SYL initiative, each young leader will develop and implemented a change strategy as a positive contribution to the development of his or her own SAI. The young leaders have face to face international and online interactions as part of the initiative.

Building on past success

The INTOSAI community showed enthusiastic support for the pilot of SAI Young Leaders (2018-2019). The pilot saw an unprecedented completion rate of 90% successful young women leaders (18 out of 20 SYLs were women). The SYL initiative has a strong focus on women in leadership positions. In September 2019, IDI handed out a first SYL award to a female Young Leader, Fallon Stephany Arias Calero from SAI Costa Rica, selected by a panel of judges.

In light of the support and results, IDI started the second round of SYL in 2019.

 Read more about SAI Young Leaders pdf here (91 KB) .

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