INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

IDI News


Media Release: IDI secures significant funding from USAID and SECO to further underpin support for Supreme Audit Institutions worldwide

IDI is honoured and delighted to have signed funding agreements with SECO and USAID in recent weeks.

IDI Masterclass on Inclusive Leadership Turkey September 2023

IDI Masterclass, Turkey: Fostering Inclusive Leadership Across SAIs Worldwide

IDI and the Turkish Court of Accounts hosted a transformative Masterclass on Inclusive Leadership, September 19 to 21 in the vibrant city of Istanbul. Coverage by George Phiri

Reunión en lìnea: PESA en Español

Queremos invitarles muy cordialmente a la reunión en línea: PESA en español.


The Swiss State Secretariat renews and expands its contribution to IDI

IDI is delighted to announce the signature of a new five-year funding agreement with SECO

IDI Board Meeting June 2023

Board approves new IDI Strategic Plan 2024 - 2029 and revised operational plan for 2023 

IDI's new Strategic Plan 2024-2029 builds on previous success, but brings in new focus such as more predictable and long-term support to SAIs. 

IDI Board Member Nancy Gathungu

Meet the Board: introducing Nancy Gathungu, Kenya's Auditor-General and one of IDI's new Board members

We're delighted to feature the head of SAI Kenya, Ms. Nancy Gathungu, in our 'Meet the Board' interview

Masterclass on SAIs and Public Financial Management – a Foresight Exercise

From 3 to 5 May, the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) and the Commission on Audit (COA) of the Philippines, co-hosted a Masterclass on Public Financial Management (PFM) in Manila.

Agreement between OAGS, IDI and AFROSAI-E

Close collaboration with peers and partners supports SAI Somalia’s strategic goals

The Auditor General Office of Somalia (OAGS) signed a new Cooperation Agreement with AFROSAI-E and IDI on 9 May 2023

IDI Board Member Pamela Monroe Ellis

An introduction to one of IDI's new Board members, Dr. Hussam Alangari, in our 'Meet the Board' series

We're delighted to feature Dr. Hussam Alangari, who was recently appointed to IDI's Board, in our 'Meet the Board' interview


Call for expressions of interest in serving on the IDI Board

The IDI Board consists of 10 members, mostly comprised of Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions. It's a non-executive Board responsible for the management of the foundation and setting the strategic direction of the IDI.