INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Once upon a time, Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) had to tackle their strategic planning, management and reporting through an unwieldy selection of tools.

Excel spreadsheets. Whiteboards. Fold-out calendars covering the next five years.

But then one day, a stranger emerged with a tale to tell.

It was a tale of unified, centralised strategic planning and management, just a fingertip and some WIFI away.

Not just a tale, but a StORy … of a single place where SAIs can manage their strategy and their operational plan. Intrigued? Let us tell you more …

What is StORy?

StORy is a platform that offers the key tools to bring strategy and strategic management into the digital age. It helps SAIs to design and manage their strategic plan and follow its implementation using an intuitive digital interface.

How does it work?

StORY uses the web-based platform developed by Lucidity (Get Lucidity Ltd) which has been adapted to IDI vision and methodology as described in its Strategic Management Handbook. In addition, many features have been developed at IDI’s request such as risk management or a more powerful and flexible reporting tool.

What does it bring to SAIs?

A single place where SAIs will manage their strategy and their operational plan.

SAIs get a complete view, from vision to tasks, from overall strategic objectives to individual tasks and checklists.

The system allows the SAI management to assign owners, set deadlines, targets and KPIs. It offers automated tasks reminders, powerful search and filters as well as task following with automated updates. Risk management is built in the system

StORy tracks the implementation of the SAI strategy and operational plan and shows progress in different forms, including graphics that update automatically.

SAIs configure their own views, choose the goals they want to track, see upcoming tasks and get quick links to take them into the detail.


If you are interested in using this platform, contact us: [email protected].

Well-Governed SAIs Work Stream Components


For SAIs to be effective, they should be learning organisations that constantly strive to enhance their performance. Thorough, holistic and evidence-based assessments of performance at regular intervals, serving as baselines and measures of progress, should be standard practice for SAIs. IDI will therefore support this process by encouraging and supporting SAIs to use the SAI PMF methodology. IDI will facilitate and support assessments, provide training to create an enhanced pool of SAI PMF assessors, and will ensure the quality of the assessments by arranging an independent review of adherence to the SAI PMF methodology. IDI will closely collaborate with INTOSAI Regions, as well as with the INTOSAI CBC as the strategic governance lead for SAI PMF, to ensure the continuous roll-out of SAI PMF. Performance assessments also form a key input into component two below.