INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

SPMR – SAI PMF Review Workshop

SPMR – SAI PMF Review Workshop

Hosted in Belgrade by the SAI of Serbia, the EUROSAI group of the Strategy, Performance Measurement and Reporting (SPMR) initiative met for the second time to review the results of their SAI PMF self-assessments. From the 2 to 6 September, the fourteen participants from five European SAIs (Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Serbia) and one ASOSAI member (Kyrgyzstan) focused on evaluating their SAIs’ performance.

For the first half of the workshop, the participants were busy finalizing their assessments of facts and evidence to gain a concise picture of their institutions’ performance. The second part of the workshop focused on analyzing the SAIs’ main strengths and weaknesses and the interlinkages between them. The results, together with a stakeholder analysis, will be used at the next workshop in November in Tbilisi, Georgia to design or review strategic plans.

The SPMR initiative supports the whole strategic management cycle of the participating SAIs over the course of four years and is supported by the Swiss Secretariat for the Economy (SECO).

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For more information about the initiative, please see the webpage here. spmr new