INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

SPMR pilot programme completed in Fiji

SPMR pilot programme completed in Fiji

IDI and PASAI joined forces for the third and final workshop of the Strategy, Performance Measurement and Reporting (SPMR) pilot program in the Pacific. The focus of the workshop was on establishing integrated monitoring and reporting systems and sound decision-making practices linked to SAI performance. The workshop completes the SPMR syllabus, which also entailed workshops on strategic and operational planning in 2018. The objective of SPMR is to have strategically managed SAIs leading to better performance. The programme also provides remote and in-country support to participating SAIs, based on needs. SAIs are expected to finalize their strategic and operational plans by summer 2019. SPMR is currently rolled-out globally in AFROSAI-E, ASOSAI and EUROSAI, with implementation in the other INTOSAI regions commencing in the last quarter of 2019.



For more information about the programme, please see the webpage here. spmr new