INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

Training Workshop on SAI-Stakeholder Strategy Development

Training Workshop on SAI-Stakeholder Strategy Development

From the 9th to the 20th of April 2018 in Libreville, SAI Gabon hosted the first CREFIAF workshop for the IDI SAIs Engaging with Stakeholders Programme. There were 39 participants from 15 SAIs teams who trained in developing strategies for better engagement with their stakeholders. This workshop provided them with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively analyse their environment, map their internal and external stakeholders, prioritize them, and identify their respective expectations. The objective is to develop effective strategies and action plans to engage with SAIs key stakeholders for greater audit impact, better communication and enhanced SAI independence. The session also raised awareness on critical considerations and success factors for engaging with specific stakeholders such as internal stakeholders, citizens and civil society, media, parliament, government, audited entities and judiciary in the context of CREFIAF SAIs models, essentially comprised of courts and inspectorates general.