INTOSAI Development Initiative

Supporting effective, accountable and inclusive Supreme Audit Institutions

SAI PMF Advanced Workshop conducted for SAIs in the ASOSAI Region

SAI PMF Advanced Workshop conducted for SAIs in the ASOSAI Region


In its continued efforts to facilitate a stronger uptake of SAI PMF responsibilities at the regional level, the IDI conducted a SAI PMF Advanced Workshop for SAIs in the ASOSAI region from 4 to 7 June 2024 in Manila, the Philippines. This is in line with the SAI PMF Implementation Strategy 2023-28, which acknowledges stronger regional participation as a key success factor in the global implementation of SAI PMF. 

The advanced workshop was attended by 23 participants from 11 SAIs. The IDI team of facilitators was joined by two co-facilitators, Mr Paul Jonel Jimenez Pollicar and Ms Abigael Jamille Paraiso Julao, from the host SAI of the Philippines. This is the second such workshop, the first conducted for SAIs in the ARABOSAI region in December 2023.

The workshop aims to strengthen SAI PMF capacity in the ASOSAI region (and other regions) by empowering SAI staff with extensive knowledge about SAI PMF and its application. The following topics were covered during the workshop: SAI PMF basics, lessons learnt from the implementation of the framework since 2016, quality management, report writing and introduction to new tools. In addition, the latest developments, such as revisions to the SAI PMF and the repeat assessment methodology, were covered during the workshop. The use of e-SAI PMF, an online application that supports SAIs in conducting rapid, high-quality, and efficient assessments throughout the key stages of the assessment process, was highlighted.

The IDI plans to roll out this workshop to the other INTOSAI regions, subject to the availability of resources. 

To learn more about this initiative, please visit the SAI PMF webpage